
1- First step in meditation

If you need to relax, you can use this simple and easy meditation practice. In a few steps, you will be Zen and feel more relaxed. Sit comfortably, on a chair or your sofa, with your feet well grounded. Then relax your shoulders and all the muscles in your body. Keep your back and spine as straight as possible. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you inhale, count up to 2 in your head. Exhale more slowly by counting to 4 in your head. Concentrate on your breathing, keeping it slow, relaxed, and fluid. Keep your eyes closed and continue the exercise until you feel more relaxed.

2- Mindfulness

Mindfulness is another form of meditation. It’s about focusing on one task in order to momentarily forget everything around you that might be a source of stress. For example, you can clean your car, organise a room in your home, cook your favorite dish, tend to your garden, or play with your cat. This will allow you to empty your mind and clear it of any stressful or menacing thoughts that might be going through it. So remember at some point in the day to stop multitasking and concentrate on a particular moment.

3-  Journaling

If you are having a stressful moment, you can use this technique. Take a notebook and a pen, and find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Think about what’s bothering you. Write down everything going through your mind on the blank page. This will help you to get an overview of everything that is going wrong. After that, your mind will be cleared and you can try to find a solution to solve each problem you listed.

Remember – in life, there are no problems, only solutions 😉

4- Meditate in motion 

Try sports such as karate, tai chi or kung fu to empty your mind and feel a sense of mind and body balance. Martial Arts have multiple benefits not only on your morale but also on your physical health. You can increase your confidence to face everyday challenges, both physical and mental, and improve interactions and relationships with other people including co-workers as well as friends and family.

5- Log out

Disconnect from all the electronic objects around you like your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Put them in a box and do not touch them for a few hours or even a day. This will allow you to take stock of yourself, to be alone for a moment. It may sound complicated but you will see the benefits directly. You can come up with your own routine of only checking emails/messages once in the morning and once in the evening, and to stop using all electronic devices 1-2 hours before going to sleep.

Technology can amplify your connection with the world, but do not become a slave to your device 😉