Be Brutally Honest With Yourself

In life it is very important to be honest with your friends, family and others in general.

But the most important thing is to be honest with yourself. To do this, you can follow some simple steps:

  1. Self-Assess Your Qualities and Flaws
  • First of all, identify and choose a self-assessment topic, such as your behaviour towards others, your career, your diet…. It is important that you get into your own bubble and adopt a good state of mind. That is, when you judge yourself, don’t use words that are too strong, don’t be too brutal with yourself. Behave as if you want to give advice to a friend.
  • Take time, only for yourself, so that you can think and ask yourself the right questions. Go through your questions, start with the topics where you feel comfortable talking about and move on to topics that are less comfortable.
  • Keep a record of your self-assessment. Every time you talk about a subject, write down, draw, record what you’re saying. Choose the method that you feel most comfortable with. 
  • In order to be as honest with yourself as possible, be accurate and complete. Phrase all your strong points as well as all your weak points. Develop your ideas to the maximum. This will be a great advantage when you try to change bad habits or improve on something that is already good. 
  • Remember to always mention your strengths and not just your weaknesses. You necessarily have qualities, remember what you are told regularly and write everything down. Honesty towards yourself should be directed at both good and bad things. 
  • If you don’t think you’ve been able to write everything down, ask your friends you trust how they see you. This can help you to know if you perceive yourself well or not.

2. Work On Your Flaws

  • Make a list of the objectives to be achieved, break down all your objectives in smaller increments, in order to achieve them. Progressing step by step will be easier and the result will be the same – but the probability of achievement is bigger.
  • Update your list, when you have succeeded in changing something, add it to your strength list and add a new objective.
  • It is important that you remain yourself, and tell yourself that your actions define you at the end.