101 Yoga Meditation

This simple yoga meditation exercise is perfect for beginners (sitting or lying down).

There are many different ways to meditate (yoga, zen, walking, etc) but this exercise is a simple and good way to start meditating on your own.

  1. You can either sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or you can lie down on the floor comfortably – you can sit on a small cushion or use a small head pillow while keeping your spine as straight as possible. 
  2. Now you can close/semi-close your eyes. To make your practice easier you can use some of these scented eye masks or pillows when you are lying down. 
  3. Breathe naturally through your nose and fill-up your belly. If you want you can count your breath, it sometimes does help to re-focus on the breathing when your mind is helplessly wandering around…
  4. Then observe your slow breathing and how your body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Focus on your airflow, like if it was progressively scanning your body from your nose, your chest, shoulders, ribs, and belly. Pay attention to your breath without trying to control its pace or intensity. Every time you feel that your mind starts wandering, concentrate back on your breath strokes.
  5. Try to relax but remain mentally alert, and take notice of every thought coming and going, just acknowledging and labeling each of them, but never trying to follow the thread of any.

Try this simple yoga meditation practice for 5-10 minutes to start, and then try it for 20, then 30 and even 40 minutes or more as long as your body posture can allow it. With time you will start seeing the benefit of a clear mind.